Monday, September 27, 2010

ENTICE ... Couples Convention in Niagara Falls USA

Hey guys, Elena and I just received the below email from our friend Angie at Entice. Elena and I have been to the convention a couple of times and had a great time. If you have ever wanted to check out a professionally run Lifestyle Convention, this is a great opportunity, and the Price is right!

THE LIFESTYLE..........explore your fantasies, explore your partners fantasies, maybe even find others to explore them with you!
ENTICE......................Couples Convention in Niagara Falls USA, hundreds of fun couples from across the world, all ages, all levels of lifestyle involvement from newbie to veterans to in between, renowned speakers, fun seminars, exciting contests all in a relaxed atmosphere that is designed to make you and your partner comfortable
Join us November 10 - 14th in Niagara Falls USA for the time of your life. For more information go to or call our reservation hotline at 585 334 8785


JACK LAURIE COMEDY SHOW Jack's been a comedian throughout the US, on cruise ships and now will appear in Niagara Falls as part of Entice. Comedy show is included with your convention package

Want to attend Entice but just can't quite "swing" the cost? Join our Care Team We give you a substantial discount for working during the event
We are currently looking to expand our CARE TEAM for entice. If you would like to help with decoration, event coordination, security, and registration, call Angie at 585 334 8785 or email us at (couples only please).

Currently seeking quality vendors to market at the ENTICE convention. If you have a product you think has appeal to our guests, contact us at

TWO CATEGORY OF ROOMS SOLD OUT!! This year's convention is selling out quickly, dont delay in making your reservation

Angie & Bob Johnstone
CandleLight & Entice


Monday, September 6, 2010

LoveVoodoo School Girl party at Tabu!!

LoveVoodoo School Girl party at Tabu!!

Don’t forget to mark your Calendars!! September 18th, is the LoveVoodoo School Girl party at Tabu!! It is also the return of the shot machine! Just back from the repair shot, “The Ass” shot machine made by my buddy at will be on hand to get everyone fucked up! This is also a NON Smoking party! So staying with the theme you smokers can hang around outside just like High school, and give us non- smokers dirty looks when we walk out! Like I said before, I put a lot of pressure on Rick and Vicki to make LoveVoodoo events Non Smoking, so I am personally asking you to come out and show your support! Spread the word, tell the other Non-LoveVoodoo members about this event. We really want a good turn out!
